Jonatan Klaminder, PhD
Email: jonatan.klaminder@umu.se
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Forest Ecology and Management
Research Summary
Current Projects
This project aims to develop a new and more subtle proxy, soil ancient DNA, for paleo-ecological studies needed when understanding environmental change working beyond our contemporary monitoring programs.
This project brings together new tools and concepts in biogeochemistry and ecology, with the aims of understanding and predicting the effects of climate change on the delivery of two major ecosystem services, fish production and the net greenhouse gas balance of Northern lakes.
In this project, we will synthesize the available data from Torneträsk in Northern Sweden and Kangerlussuaq in south-west Greenland using novel statistical approaches to understand the key drivers of ecological changes at a range of timescales.
My research in the news!
Researchers are interested in exploring the extent that human-caused stressors impact fish behaviour and ecosystem structure, and a new study shows that stress-prompted changes in foraging behaviour may impact on fish population size, and may lead to reduced biomass and reproduction rate, which may alter ecosystem structure.