Frida Keuper
Ecosystem Ecology and Biogeochemistry, INRAE French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8673-7991
Research Summary
Frida does research in Ecosystem Ecology and Biogeochemistry, with a focus on nitrogen and carbon cycling in the context of a changing climate. She likes an unobstructed view and performs her research on tree-less plains (tundra, arable land). While passionate about small-scale ecological processes such as interactions between plants, microbes and soil on the plot or incubation-jar scale, she always feels the need to see how these processes fit in the grand scheme of things, i.e. the soil carbon climate feedback story.
AffiLiated Project: The Prime Scale Model
We developed a model to estimate the impact of the rhizosphere priming effect (RPE) on larger spatial scales. The first publication about this model rolled out in July 2020.
Birgit Wild (left), Matti Kummu (center), and Frida (right)
Ellen Dorrepaal, Umeå University
Birgit Wild, Stockholm University & University of Gothenburg
Matti Kummu, Aalto University
View publications on DiVA or Google Scholar or ResearchGate
Frida Keuper, Birgit Wild, Matti Kummu, Christian Beer, Gesche Blume-Werry, Sébastien Fontaine, Konstantin Gavazov, Norman Gentsch, Georg Guggenberger, Gustaf Hugelius, Mika Jalava, Charles Koven, Eveline J. Krab, Peter Kuhry, Sylvain Monteux, Andreas Richter, Tanvir Shahzad, James T. Weedon, Ellen Dorrepaal (2020) Carbon loss from northern circumpolar permafrost soils amplified by rhizosphere priming, Nature Geoscience, 10.1038/s41561-020- 0607-0